Force Response: Tactics for Use of Force Encounters

Instructors were very clear and knowledgeable. They used real life experiences to reinforce the material.
Trevor - Hudson County, NJ

The course material was interesting, useful and easy to understand. The instructors were professional and skilled public speakers.
James - Hudson County, NJ

Valuable course with very knowledgeable instructors
Brendan - Jersey City, NJ

Great class to pick up things that will help you throughout your career in todays climate of policing.
Edwin - Jersey City, NJ

This course provided an in-depth training regarding Use of Force in Law Enforcement. The course material and the instructor delivering the material provided crucial information that will not only protect officers and departments from liability but also protect officer’s lives. This is a must take course for all levels of Law Enforcement.
Mathew - Jersey City, NJ

The instructor was extremely knowledgeable and made the course both interactive and entertaining. There was a number of real life interactive videos and relevant case law. I highly recommend this program regardless of how many years the officer has on the job. Use of force is a subject that must be mastered, especially in the climate of modern policing.
Gary - Jersey City, NJ

This course was eye opening to use of force encounters. It provided in depth knowledge on the factors that influence the decision making process during critical incidents. This course teaches you how to contextualize your use of force reports in a way that tells your side of the encounter. I highly recommend this course.
Joemy - Jersey City, NJ

Very detailed and intricate. Deep dives into the world of policing and force that is used.
Nada - Jersey City, NJ

This course was very detailed and tailored to a patrol officer.
Wilfredo - Jersey City, NJ

Excellent training
Juan - Jersey City, NJ

100% of students recommend this course.

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