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National De-escalation Training Center

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The National De-Escalation Training Center (NDTC), a national network of regional training centers, with the mission to train law enforcement across the U.S. in the most advanced & evidence-based de-escalation training. The NDTC exists as a non-profit corporation to serve the public sector and a for-profit LLC to serve the private sector. Under an exclusive licensing agreement, the NDTC provides the most advanced and effective de-escalation training to date. Fort Hays State University (FHSU), which represents region 2 of NDTC, has received $2.75 million in grant funding over the past 2 years allowing NDTC to bring de-escalation training directly to agencies across the central U.S., at little to no cost to the agency. All NDTC courses deliver practices in de-escalation, including procedural justice, language that de-escalates situations, officer adjustments for varying threat stages and environments, body language, conflict management, recognizing mental health and disability issues, and means to adjust interactions based upon rapid personality identification. Also included are de-escalation and prevention of escalation while maintaining professionalism, respectfulness, and self-control, particularly if insulting or disrespectful language and behavior are present. A variety of examples of officer responses, in combination with scenarios, are included in this engaging and interactive training.

Established in 2020


600 Park Street
Hays, Kansas 67601

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De-escalation: Fundamentals

De-escalation: Principles & Practice

De-escalation: Train-the-Trainer

NDTC Sr. Instuctors

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